Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Triathlon update

Did my first triathlon on Sunday. It was a sprint distance: 1/2 mile swim, 10 mile bike, 5k run. Totally doable. But....

My swim was awful. I had a plan, and as soon as I hit the water, it flew out the window and was replaced with a mild panic attack. Awesome. I was flailing around, all technique disappeared and I blew myself out, badly, by hyperventilating. While most people were putting in times of 11 - 12 minutes, it took me 15. Not insurmountable to finish respectably, especially with the bike, but not a good start.

I made up time on the bike, averaging about 21 miles an hr, which is decent. I could have pushed it harder, sure, but I am still so new to competition that I don't really have a good idea of how to pace myself throughout an entire race. I wanted to push, but I also didn't want to be completely wasted by the time I started the run that I sabotaged myself either. It was probably the swim that made me nervous. I exited the water drained, breathing heavy, and not feeling well.

My run portion was decent, though. I averaged a 7:15 mile, slower than the 6:30 pace I did for the 5k I ran in May, but I had wicked cramps this time as I started. I didn't take a lot of water during the bike ride, but I had swallowed some water during the swim. When I started the run, I ate a few shot bloks. And then, ugh......For the entire run I did not feel well at all, but I powered through, thinking and reminding myself that 3 miles isn't very long and it would be over soon.

And you know what? It was!

I crossed the finish line with a time of 1:09:39, 63rd overall, 54th for men, and 9th for my division (M 35-39). My transitions were very good for a 1st timer, less than 2 minutes from swim to bike, and about 45 seconds from bike to run. Overall, I was pretty happy with my times, but I know I can do better next time. And yes, there definitely will be a next time.


  1. You're not 35 to 39. Do you mean 25 to 39?

  2. They take the age you are going to be at the end of year, and do 5 year increments. So, yeah, 35-39
