Monday, October 4, 2010

Roundup of interesting facts I've learned so far

In no particular order:

  1. Armadillos carry leprosy. Ewww.
  2. Deer sausage is really, really, really good.
  3. Collard greens are good in a soup, but fricking nasty when they're cooked normally. (Boiled, then simmered with a ham hock for what seems like forever. Verdict? Still gross.)
  4. It seems we are the only people in the neighborhood to sleep with their windows open at night. This seems weird to me.
  5. I know I will be going hunting for deer this fall / winter.
  6. I know that if I actually do kill a deer, I will cry. Maybe not right then and there, but eventually.
  7. I am ok with the above two items. I actually think this is healthy. We've been removed from our food sources for too long.
  8. The only way to get rid of an armadillo is to either remove its food source, or kill it.
  9. The landlord opted for option #1.
  10. Armadillos are gross. And they grunt.
  11. The redneck version of cow-tipping is armadillo kicking. Because they can't see well, you approach them from behind and commence launching. Be prepared for your foot to hurt due to their hard shells.
  12. I have not participated in either cow-tipping or armadillo kicking.
  13. 11am kick-offs make a football game family day at the stadium. All the kiddies are there.
  14. Booing is very much frowned upon at said stadium. Especially in front of kids. I did not know this.  :-/
  15. Additionally, when you say things like, "Hey Ref! Get off your knees, you're blowing the game!" you get frowned at.
So, them's it so far

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